Pat Carden CEO
3D Embroidery | Coming Soon
Perhaps you have a hat from your favorite sports team with a symbol or letters that are raised above the surface to create a 3-dimensional effect. Here’s one of mine:

Good news! Soon we’ll be offering an option for this 3-dimensional (3D) embroidery on caps and hats. Here in the shop we call it "puffy foam". We’ve been experimenting with the process and our research and development process are near completion. The process involves placing foam underneath the top layer of embroidery to give it that raised look. We’re starting trial production now and in a few weeks we expect to announce general availability of this option.
Designing a 3D embroidery can be a little tricky. Unfortunately not every logo is well-suited for this effect. Usually just a symbol or letter(s) are raised to stand out from the surface of the headwear. Large block letters make the best 3D embroidery, but larger, simple symbols can work as well.
Think about that 3D sports cap you have. In my case, just the big Power T is 3D. It does have a nice black outline around it that creates a nice contrast to the underlying fabric. The 3D embroidery really makes the Power T stand out.
We’re here to help you design a look with 3D embroidery on your next hat. Our friendly customer service reps are ready to help. And remember, when you order at least 24, embroidery in a second location is free. So start imagining! We’ll help you make your next hat look great!